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Functional Skills English Level 2
55 guided learning hours
Who is it for?
Those operating at Level 2 who prefer to study English in an applied context
Learners undertaking vocational learning or an apprenticeship that need English skills to support their main programme of learning
Individuals taking alternative routes to GCSEs wishing to develop English skills
What does this qualification cover?
To achieve the qualification you will be required to commit to approximately 55 hours of guided learning. You learn to deal with English problems that will help you develop skills across speaking, listening and communicating; reading and writing. Examples of the types of skills you will develop include:
Listen, understand and make relevant contributions to discussions with others in a range of contexts
Apply understanding of language to adapt delivery and content to suit audience and purpose
Read a range of different text types confidently and fluently, applying knowledge and understanding of texts to own writing
Write texts of varying complexity, with accuracy, effectiveness, and correct spelling, punctuation and grammar
Understand the situations when, and audiences for which, planning, drafting and using formal language are important, and when they are less important.
What are the Entry Requirements?
There are no age restrictions for working towards this qualification and no specific prior achievements required. However, it may be useful to have completed an English qualification at Level 1. Your college and/or training provider may have specific entry requirements and you should speak to them to find out more information.
What are the Assessment Methods?
You will be required to pass externally set and marked assessments in reading and writing which tests your ability to use English in practical settings such as:
• Work and education
• Community, citizenship and environment
• Family, home and social issues
You will also need to complete a controlled assessment in speaking, listening and communicating in a range of formal and informal contexts, in the workplace and in real life.
The amount of time allocated for each assessment is:
• Reading: 1 hour
• Writing: 1 hour
• Speaking, Listening & Communicating: 30 mins
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